Product Focus: Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors

Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors

I love a good origin story. Williamsburg Artist Oil Colors are born from an artist who started making artist quality oil paint in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for himself and his friends.

Made in the USA

Now owned and operated by Golden paintworks they are still made the USA in upstate new york.  A homegrown alternative to The Dutch, French and English titans. 

Artist Quality

As an artist quality oil paint they have a very intense pigment load. A Phthalo blue for example is going to stretch for miles. 

I’ve used a lot of brands of oil paints over the years and these are  equivalent of other artist quality paints such as Winsor and Newton. Take a look at their color chart, there are some really cool variations on traditional colors. You could select just a few of these and start with a limited palette and build from there.

Color Sets

For the beginner or someone who wants to try something different they also package ranges of color as sets. It’s a great way to organize different colors. Here are a few sets currently on offer: 

Williamsburg Artist Oil colors
Handmade Oil Colors Basic Painting Set I

Williamsburg Artist Oil colors

Native Italian Earth Set

Williamsburg Artist Oil colors

Landscape Colors Set


Hand Made

The claim is these oil paints are produced in small batches for consistency sake. I’m not sure if that’s actually an advantage over larger quantities being made at the same time. What I do love about these paints is the level of fineness or grind is specified in their color chart. From very fine to coarse. As a painter you could use this to your advantage and experiment with different colors such as “Italian Pink“ = course and a “Burnt Sienna”  = fine. Williamsburg Artists Oil Colors is a high quality product you should absolutely try.